Friday, 05 February 2010 04:14

Kenosha Mountains

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Measuring just 15 miles long, the Kenosha Mountains are a sub-range of the Front Range and are nestled between the Platte River Mountains to the north and the Tarryall Mountains to the south. The Kenosha Mountains are home to several 12,000 and 11,000 ft. summits and lie completely within the Lost Creek Wilderness Area. Most summits in this mountain range are not officially named; however, Gerry and Jennifer Roach, of Colorado mountaineering fame, have provided several summits in the area with alphabetically-themed appellations such as "Peak X," "Peak Y," and "Peak Z." Due to the lack of relatively high summits as compared to other regions, the Kenosha mountains offer hikers and climbers solitude within one of the most under-appreciated Wilderness areas in Colorado.


Read 6832 times Last modified on Sunday, 04 March 2012 20:42

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